Institutions partnered with COMMVAC
Current institution partners
Previous institution partners
Current institution partnerss
Centre for Health Communication and Participation
The Centre for Health Communication and Participation is a part of the Australian Institute for Primary Care & Ageing at La Trobe University. It is led by Dr. Sophie Hill, Senior Research Fellow and Coordinating Editor of the Cochrane Consumers and Communication Review Group. The Centre's mission is to improve communication with and participation by consumers and carers, through evidence-informed policy and decision making. The Centre undertakes projects to strengthen capacity to use evidence at the systems and individual levels; and addresses neglected issues such as multimorbidity, or communication with people with rare diseases.
Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services
The Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services (NOKC) supports the development of quality in the health services by summarising research, promoting the use of research results, contributing to quality improvement, measuring the quality of health services, and working to improve patient safety. Webpage:
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (STI)
Since its founding in 1943, the Swiss Tropical Institute (STI), now Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) has become a world-renowned Institution for teaching, research and services in the field of International Health Development. The multi- and cross-disciplinary activities and experience of scientific laboratory studies, conceptual clinical work and practical transfer of technical expertise to health system planning and programmes in local, national and partner countries are the building blocks of our success.
Ministry of Health Mozambique
The Ministry of Health is responsible for the implementation of health policy in the public, private and community sectors. In its operation, the Ministry of Health is responsible for ensuring the implementation and operationalization of policies and programs of primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary order to provide integrated care, preventive, curative and rehabilitative, making them accessible to Mozambicans.
The University of Calabar
The University of Calabar has through the Directorate of Research been involved in promoting evidence-based health care practices for more than fifteen (15) years. It has developed a faculty for mentoring and capacity building in systematic reviews and providing technical support for translating research into practice. It also has strong links to the Cochrane Collaboration through one of our affiliated Institutions, Calabar Institute of Tropical Disease and Research and Prevention, which hosts the Nigerian branch of the South African Cochrane Centre.
The International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE)
The International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) is a global and independent network of professionals and experts in the field of health promotion. The mission of the IUHPE is to promote global health and wellbeing and to contribute to the achievement of equity in health between and within countries by addressing the following priority areas: the social determinants of health, health promotion in sustainable development, health promotion systems and the control and prevention of non communicable diseases. It does so by operating a global professional network, as a facilitating agency of technical expertise and as a dissemination and exchange hub. Website:
Catholic University Chile
Coming soon.
Previous institution partners
University of Cape Town (UCT)
The University of Cape Town (UCT), through the South African Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiative (SATVI) and the Vaccines for Africa Initiative (VACFA), is playing a critical role in facilitating an African involvement and perspective into the COMMVAC project. UCT aspires to become a premier academic meeting point between South Africa, the rest of Africa and the world. Taking advantage of expanding global networks and our distinct vantage point in Africa, we are committed, through innovative research and scholarship, to grapple with the key issues of our natural and social worlds. We aim to produce graduates whose qualifications are internationally recognised and locally applicable, underpinned by values of engaged citizenship and social justice. SATVI, based at UCT's Faculty of Health Sciences, is the largest dedicated TB vaccine research group on the African continent. Its mission is the development of new and effective vaccination strategies against tuberculosis (TB). A new, effective, affordable TB vaccine has the potential to save millions of lives each year world-wide. The vision of VACFA, an initiative to advocate for the uptake of vaccines in Africa, is "An Africa free of vaccine-preventable diseases" . Our websites can be accessed at, and